Buying off the plan could be a good way for some people to get into the market. For one, it may allow you to lock in your property’s purchase price sooner rather than later. With prices on the move upwards in many markets, this could equate to huge savings in your...
The value of Australia’s residential dwellings rose by $487 billion to $9.25 trillion in the September quarter, according to the latest ABS figures. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has confirmed that the total value of Australia’s 10.7 million residential...
More than 60 per cent of Australian home owners and property savers remain in the current job to improve their chances of securing a home loan, instead of pursuing their dream job. The survey conducted by Bluestone Home Loans included more than 1,000 owners and...
Property investors might be overpaying massively on their tax as a result of failing to claim against depreciating assets. BMT Tax Depreciation looked into 100,000 investment properties in Australia and found that 66% had undergone renovation work in the last three...
Mortgage brokers wrote a record 67 per cent of all new residential home loans in the September quarter, according to MFAA data. More than two in three home loans (66.9 per cent) were written by mortgage brokers between July and September 2021, according to new...