New research has revealed which state houses Australia’s happiest home owners.

Tasmania has topped a list of Australia’s happiest home owners, according to Great Southern Bank’s latest No Place Like Home Report.

When Australian residents were asked to rate their home against factors including its location and condition, Tasmanians were revealed as the happiest with 54 per cent content with their overall living situation.

Residents in the ACT were the second most happy with their living situation, with 46 per cent of residents saying they were content, while South Australia came in third with 43 per cent saying the same.

Victoria came in last place with 35 per cent being happy with their overall living situation.

Australia’s southernmost state also led on another happiness metric, with 74 per cent of Tasmanian residents saying they believed home ownership was key to their overall happiness.

Great Southern Bank’s report found that local amenities also play a role in home owner happiness.

Young families often want to live close to parks and playgrounds to create new friendships for both their children and themselves, while retirees often prefer the convenience of being close to their local supermarkets, cafés, and restaurants, the bank said.

“Congratulations to Tasmania, crowned as Australia’s capital for happy homeowners,” said Great Southern Bank chief customer officer, Megan Keleher.

“Clearly, it’s not only a beautiful state, but a great place to live. With the Australia Capital Territory coming in second place, lifestyle may also be playing a big role in where homeowners are most happy.”

According to the report, age also plays a factor in the overall happiness of home owners, with Baby Boomers and Gen X found to have the highest levels of satisfaction with their living situation, which the bank suggested might come down to the fact that the older generations have had more time to settle down after their buying journey and make their home their own unique happy space.

If you feel you are in mortgage stress,  or your fixed rate mortgage is coming to an end, please give Dave a call for a confidential discussion on 0408 385 559. “Revealed: Where Australia’s happiest home owners live” / Will Paige

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